August 24, 2010

NAP 2009 Oil and Soap Wrestling

Stripping is a tough profession, where all disputes are settled in the ring. Their saying is: "Two Strippa Enta, One Strippa Leave"
She's got her now!! Actually they both do. How A.D.D. is the crowd that they have to have two matches going on at once? :)

We have a winner!! The chubby oiled up DD cup blonde has won!!!
And the spectators spectate and take photos of this rare occasion.

August 21, 2010

World Naked Bike Ride Chicago

This is unrelated to the rest of the blog, but I don't want you to think Tarzan is limited to NAP photos. Here's a couple he took in 2009 at the World Naked Bike Ride in Chicago, just before everyone got on their bikes, when they were undressing and bodypainting eachother.

August 11, 2010

Stripper Tricks

Once you've caught your strippers, you can train them to do tricks!!

Here they are, following the command "STAND TOGETHER"

And here they are again in the pool following the command "TURN AROUND"

Positive re-enforcement with your strippers is VERY important! Once they have done as asked, you must reward them with your dollar bills.

More photos at